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Sunday, January 13, 2008 @ 9:37 PM

its like january 13th.. and im gonna do a review of 2007. yes i know. its very very late. but i was really really busy with orientation and all that good stuff. but hey, better late than never!

2007. i dont know. i started out the year with lofty expectations. and i guess i learnt the hard way that the higher your hopes, the farther they fall. about halfway through the year, i thought to myself "holy shit, 2007 has sucked so badly" and it did. it really really did. but the thing is, when things are going so badly, the only place to go is up. and i guess, it did. things got better. all in all, 2007 was different. not that bad, but not good either. it was just really really different. a learning experience i guess. i learnt a lot about myself, and about other people, about my friends, and about people who i thought were my friends. i gained a lot, i lost a lot. but hey, thats life, nothing you can do about it. people always leave. after 12 months, i still stand by that. life sucks, shit happens, i still stand by that too. its been a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs. i learnt that you can predict whats gonna happen, but most of the time, it never comes true. life is full of surprises, so unpredictable you never know what hits you untill it slams right into your face. i guess ive learnt that we gotta accept things for what they are, and that trying your hardest to change them just fucks things up even more. so i guess lets sit back, relax and watch 2008 unfold.


ANANYA- WE COME IN PEACE!! thank you ananya for always making me laugh no matter what!! ill always remember national day at donno what stadium at 6am creeping out all the acs independednt people!! EVERYBODY COME AND JOIN THE PARTY!! and omg! ONE TREE HILL SEASON 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

ANNABELLE- sexay! haha. omg the year passed by so fast huh. and so many things have happened. our emo talks, emo walks, emo macdonalds, emo cab rides home, conversations from 12-4am in the exco room while i attempted to study for my econs retest. haha. its been fun. we had fun huh. its been a funny funny year, and like, you made me look at life in a totally different way!

BINGXI- isnt it funny how about a year ago, you hated my guts, i wanted you out of the school. funny how life changes huh. but hey, im glad we became friends! youve helped me out on so many occasions and i really appreciate that. this year is your year! you started it out perfectly by being an awesom camp COMMANDER not commandent. and you're gonna end it with 45 points. GO BE PERFECT BINGXI!

BRIANTOH- ROBINN!! hey man, you're the best sidekick and best dance partner ever!! omg i miss VIVA LA FIESTA! its like we've been in the same school for like 3 years now and we didnt really talk till the end of last year, but im glad i started talking to you. you're awesome dude! and im always here to hear you out! and that message you sent me was one of the sweetest messages ever!! AWWWW!!!

CHANG- wah chang. you're a whore man. HAHAHA. but thanks for being such a good friend and always irritating me non stop! stupid piece of shit! haha. but no la! im glad im friends with you. and i cant believe youre 18 already! time to grow up chang! AND GROW TALLER!! :D

CHAR-MAINE- eh brooooo! ok i dont know where to start! you're like the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for and im so glad youre my bestfriend! well bro, another year has passed and it was really weird huh. and eventful. but hey, another eventful year ahead! thanks for everything k! i could go on and on but ive probably said the same things over and over again! thank you for everything char-maine!!! youre the best!! :D BFFL! breast fliends forever la!!!!!

CHLOE- PARK IN YOUNG! you're my favourite korean! HAHAHAHA. ok la. lame. omg park, stop speaking korean! ME NO SPEAKING ENGLISH!!

FELINE+CANNON- ok you 2 are just gonna be stuck together. HAHA! YOU 2 SHOW ME WHAT TRUE LOVE IS! AWWWWWWWWW!!! haha. omg feline. orientation exco would not be the same without you! hahaha.

JEROME- CAPTAINN! haha. eh own goal king. youre a great soccer captain. and a great LAST MAN! dont go be extra and try to steal my posittion la!

JOHNNY- JOHNNY!! haha. hey man, you're a great friend and i dont know what the year would be like without you and shit. CAN YOU AND SHUMEI PLEASE COME TO ASSEMBLY EARLY SO I DONT HAVE TO SIT ALONE!! haha. you and shumei are hands down the funniest couple ever!!

JOSHUA- eh racist boy!! wah lau! pang seh friends for girl!! TSK! but its ok la. I FORGIVE YOU! cause im a nice guy! haha. joshua. thanks for always being there man. like we got closer in chiangmai and like now i can trust you with my shit and all. and you're frikking hilarious with the shit you say! HAHAHAHA!

JUNHUNG- eh junhung. when i first met you, you were this shy happy little boy in council. now you're a not so shy EMO bigshit VICE CAMP COMMANDER! HAHAHAHA. wah seh. look how the year has changed you. but you know what, im real glad i got to know you. cause talkign to you is a real eye opening experience and youre damn retarded sometimes. and stop being so emo!! dont try to be like me la! HAHAHA


LIAN- LIAN AR LIAN!! my eastwood uppereast coast road, bedok army camp buddy! you're my inspiration lian! i must be like you!! or so my father says la! HAHA. i cant believe youre not in school anymore! SO WEIRD! but hey, you live 5 mins away! so im gonna come visit one day! ENJOY ARMY LIAN!

MENNON- wtf man mennon! i still cant believe you ditched ALL OF US and went to SJI. WTF MAN!! haha. but its ok la menon we still love you!! COME BACK when you realise we're si much better than SJI!

MICH- BOAT BUDDY!!! omg.. i still owe you a boat! and you will get it soon k!! I PROMISE!! and you technically owe me a meal! :D but im not gonna take it la!! ahah.i cant believe 2007 turned out the way it did huh. so weird!! and unexpected huh.. but hey. 2008 looks like its gonna be sooo much better!

PRISS- eh cousinnnn!! aiya.. donno what to say la. but ENG's are the best!! hands down! thanks for everything priss! im so glad youre in my school! :D

SHERYL- LAOPOOO!!! haha. omg sheryl! youre like one of my closest friends now. and youre the funniest girl ever! HAHAHA. you never fail to cheer me up and make me smile with your nonsense!! im so glad youre my friend! HAHAHA.

SHUMEI- VERAA!! haha omg. im stuck with you with so many of my classes. HOLY CRAP! but good la. you never fail to entertain me!! haha shumei!! i cant believe its been a year since i met you! the girl wtih her blouse unbuttoned and the REALLY LOUD CRAZY MANIAC laughter!! haha. the year has brought a lot huh!!

SWETA- SWETAAAA!!! my favourite indian!! haha omg sweta! your blurness never fails to make me laugh!! youre hilarious sweta! and youre a really great friend too!! (:

TABBY- TABITHA BOON!! PALM TREES! omg you inspire me la!!

THANAPHON- KUIII!! wo yao wo de xing xing! ai shi jia de. when the value of money goes up, the value of people goes down!

WAIKIT- malaysia! haha. eh your soccer is like so good but you're like soooo lazy la! TSK TSK! bastard sia! pang seh us during match! Hahah. TORRESS!!!

WOON- PADAWOON!! omg you know i saw that gravestone with "PADAWOON" on it not long ago lying in the canteen. anyhow. woon!! milk/honeydew boy! omg. youre like the onyl first person who has a good first impression of me!! tahnk you! HAHA

ok. i hope i havent left anyone out. if i have/ TELL ME SO I CAN GO WRITE A THANK YOU TO YOU! ok. that took SO LONG TO TYPE! anyhow. school tmr. hopefully its gonna be a better week. and hockeys starting. tmr night and tueday night. soccer match on saturday. holy crap.


Marcus Eng

10 March 1990
ACS International
Ice Hockey



